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What signals does our body give us? Which symptom is a sign of which disease?

Writer's picture: Opr. Dr. Beyzade ÖZKAHRAMANOpr. Dr. Beyzade ÖZKAHRAMAN

"Which symptom is the harbinger of which disease?" The question is highly researched. The human body sometimes gives us the signals of certain diseases in advance. This situation should be evaluated well. Health is always the most important issue and should not be neglected. We should listen to the signals our body gives us and take precautions accordingly or go to the doctor. According to this; Some information below; It tells us which symptom can be a sign of which disease.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: The infection, which is accompanied by signs of redness, swelling and pain under the nail or on the surrounding skin, thickens the nail, separates from the underlying nail bed, becomes brittle and porous. The surrounding skin is also affected.

NAIL FUNGUS: It is a contagious disease. It is often seen in toenails due to the fact that it is more easily transmitted from the environment to the feet. The main causes of toenail fungus are the deterioration of blood circulation in the feet due to mechanical pressure in narrow or poorly fitting shoes, malnutrition in the tissues, and increased sweating by wearing poorly breathable socks or shoes.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Although the pain in the right groin is not severe, it can be so distressing that the patient is distracted from his work. The pain usually occurs after exertion, a heavy or gut-wrenching meal, an uncomfortable long journey, or persistent constipation. The pain may be accompanied by nausea, retching, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite, general malaise, and constipation. If the inflammation has spread to nearby organs, the fever may rise slightly.

Chronic appendicitis: Chronic appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that lasts for a long time and is unlikely to heal without treatment. However, as briefly mentioned before, the diagnosis of chronic appendicitis is often misdiagnosed and it is seen that the appendix of the patients with this diagnosis is completely healthy at the time of surgery.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Heartburn is the most common complaint. Feeling the stomach contents rising, burning in the chest area, bitter water in the mouth, heart palpitations, uncomfortable stomach bloating, coughing.

REFLUX: Reflux is the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus due to various reasons. If this situation continues for a long time, the acidic stomach contents irritate the esophagus. The esophagus becomes unable to protect itself from stomach acid.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: In general, there are symptoms such as pain, swelling, limitation of movement, disability, deformity, heart problems, eye findings, changes in the nervous system. In the joint, redness and swelling are seen along with inflammation. As a result, limitation of movement and deterioration of the joint structure (calcification) occur. This condition often occurs in the knees and hips. Humid and hot air makes the patient uncomfortable.

Rheumatism: Diseases that cause swelling, pain, limitation of movement in our musculoskeletal system that allows the movement of our body, and cause various disorders in our internal organs are called rheumatism. Rheumatism is not a single disease. It has more than 200 varieties.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: It is pain and sensitivity increase in the form of burning and stinging in a certain area of ​​the skin. This pain begins in the area of ​​the rash 2-3 days before the rash develops. In the meantime, headache and fever may occur. Later in this area, redness and transparent water bubbles form in groups.

shingles: Herpes Zoster, also known as shingles, is an infection by the chickenpox virus.SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Patients often apply to the doctor with complaints such as back and low back pain. In fact, it may not give any symptoms until the first fracture occurs. After the first spinal fracture, the probability of a new fracture increases 5 times.

Osteoporosis, which is defined as a decrease in bone strength and an increase in fracture risk due to low bone density, is one of the most common bone diseases today.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Dizziness, tinnitus, cracks in the corner of the mouth, spoon-shaped nails, cracks, redness in the tongue, cracks and bubbles, painful swallowing.

Anemia (ANEMIA): Anemia, also called anemia, has been the most common blood disease in the world and in our country for many years. The most common cause of anemia in our country is iron deficiency.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Feeling sad, worthless, hopeless, helpless, feeling of emptiness, difficulty in making decisions, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, Inability to enjoy work and activities that were previously enjoyed, problems at work, school, family and friends Persistent pain in different parts of the body, such as the desire to get away from other people and to be alone, lack of energy, feeling tired and irritable, sleep disorder, eating disorder, head, neck and back pain of unknown origin.

DEPRESSION: It is a state of sadness that has reached a degree that will disturb the person's social functions and activities of daily life.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: There are recurrent aphthae in the mouth, wounds and scars around the genitals, various skin lesions, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow joints are affected, the eyes are involved in the first 3 years after the onset of the syndrome, ulcers can be seen in the intestinal examination.

BEHÇET'S DISEASE: Behçet's syndrome or Behçet's disease (BS) is a vascular inflammation of unknown cause, with recurrent oral (mouth) and genital (genital organs) ulcers, eye, skin, joint, vascular and nervous system involvement. BS was founded in 1937 by a Turkish doctor, Prof. Dr. It was defined by Hulusi Behçet.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Pink rashes on the skin, rashes between 1 and 10 cm on the skin, skin rashes that turn into swelling in a short time.

Hives: Hives disease, called Urticaria in medicine, is an allergic skin disease that starts suddenly on the skin.

SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: Nasal congestion, a yellow-green discharge towards the nose, headache, rarely fever.

SINUSITIS: Inflammation of the cavities called sinuses around the nose is called sinusitis.

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D. K.
D. K.
Oct 01, 2024

My body started to signal issues with a triangle birthmark on my face. That's when I visited the doctor.

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